The peak body for technology providers delivering innovation to the property, construction and real estate industries.


The Proptech Association of Australia is the national member organisation of the property technology (proptech) sector.

We support our members at all stages of growth to enhance their commercial opportunities and professional knowledge and experience. We are part of a national and global community of Proptech entrepreneurs driving positive change in the property sector.

We collaborate with a well-selected group of engaged partners; organisations, governments and businesses, to champion and support Australian tech entrepreneurs and their commitment to delivering better outcomes in property.

Together, we are committed to ensuring our members are known to the market through our advocacy and thought leadership and market-ready through our podcast, events, awards, masterclasses and mentoring programs.


PROPTECH PANEL: Property Investing Proptech
In our recent Proptech Panel, we delved into how technology is revolutionizing the property investment landscape, led by Kylie Davis, president of the Proptech Association. Our esteemed panelists include Alex F. from HTAG, Ajay Ayyar from, and Richie Ragel from Milk Chocolate® Property
TeamLink becomes Gold Sponsor of 2024 Proptech Awards
Proptech platform TeamLink has become a Gold Sponsor of this year’s Proptech Awards. A winner of the Data Accelerator category in 2022, TeamLink is a platform designed to connect developers, agents and buyers.
Complexity the culprit in slowing smart building revolution, says survey
Half of prospective buyers of intelligent building technologies are hesitating to make a move because of adoption and integration complexities, according to new research conducted by Facilio, a leader in the sector.
Association launches VC initiative for members
A Venture Capital (VC) committee has been established by Proptech Association Australia to help member companies unlock their investment potential and better understand the institutional investment landscape.
New i4T Global CEO pledges to pioneer next-generation innovations
i4T Global, a leader in the proptech and field service management (FSM) sectors, has appointed Sachi Wickramage as Chief Executive Officer.  Mr Wickramage’s career includes the delivery of more 50…
Acquisition of Dynamic Methods by REA Group not proceeding
Founder to lead the company into a new era of industry cooperation and technology development The prospective purchase of Dynamic Methods by will not proceed. The founder and CEO of…

The Proptech Association Australia serves:

Proptech Entrepreneurs

We are a community of Proptech entrepreneurs – who are able to connect and support each other. We deliver a platform for Proptech entrepreneurship, providing support, advocacy recognition, connection and opportunity and we offer a place for recognition through our programs and events.

Future Focussed Property Professionals

We connect property and construction industry professionals with innovative solutions and demonstrate how technology developed by our members' deliver better outcomes for people and property.

Partners, governments and capital

We partner with government, industry bodies and capital, providing independent commentary, research and insights to support better standards, governance and education.


Together we can build a stronger proptech community, a mutually beneficial marketplace

and lead the innovation conversation.

Proudly partnering with:

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